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We help U.S. executives, foreign service officers, UN employees, military members and others living and working overseas with federal and state tax compliance, and representation before the IRS.

Service - Advisory


As champions of start-up, small and mid-sized businesses, we assist with many strategic decisions - from choice of entity, to initial formation and registrations, to fundraising from lenders, venture capital and private equity, to back office needs such as payroll and accounting, to controls and compliance, to funds management, litigation and more.  Importantly, our experience allows us to advise and add value to business.  We are frequently called to provide strategic thought, where we employ models, forecasts and numerous other resources to find the best solutions.

Service - Tax



A great deal of our practice is devoted to tax return preparation, tax planning, and tax representation services.  For U.S. persons and businesses working regionally and internationally, we assist with federal and multi-state tax compliance.  Many of us are expats, so we fully understand the overseas lifestyle and challenges.  We work in several specialized areas including foreign streamlined submission procedures.  We are blessed to be trusted to handle high net worth and high earning individual and family tax returns.

Service - Accounting Attestation


We are experienced CPAs, licensed in several states.  Several of us started our careers working for the largest, international public accounting firms, so we have led or participated in many, diverse accounting and attestation engagements.  Everyday, we are involved with bookkeeping, accounting systems and controls, finance projects, GAAP and IFRS standards, preparations, compilations and reviews of financial statements, SEC compliance and reporting, and more, for businesses across many industries.  

Truck and Warehouse


Many start-up and small businesses call us for help with business finance, accounting and administration functions.

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